Tag Archives: Tessarin¸ Antonio
Fixing a Smashed Guitar Edge with Antonio Tessarin
AL#126 p.48
Robbie O’Brien Antonio Tessarin
Robbie O’Brien keeps up a friendly lutherie competition with his old mentor Antonio Tessarin. Robbie is in Colorado and Antonio is in Brazil, but that’s no prob these days, what with the smartphones and the Interwebs and all that. In this article Antonio shows Robbie how he fixed a nasty smash on the edge of one of his own classical guitars. Sweet! What will Robbie do to one-up that?
Seven String Surgery
AL#127 p.16
Robbie O’Brien Antonio Tessarin
So you made a nice 6-string classical guitar for your client, and he loves it. Now he wants to play a 7-string. The guitar has a Spanish heel. What do you do? Saw off the neck and graft on a new one. Scary, but it turned out great. We see every gory step along the way.