Tag Archives: Middleton¸ Anne

Anne Middleton

Environmental Investigation Agency

Anne Middleton is Outreach Coordinator for the Forest Campaign at the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) in Washington, DC, where she focuses EIA’s efforts to represent legal wood trade on Capitol Hill. She has published documents and articles on the U.S. Lacey Act, and has worked in the field in Eastern Europe, Tanzania, and the USA on a variety of wildlife conservation issues.

▪ bio current as of 2010

Questions: Lacey act amendment

AL#103 p.68               read this article
Chuck Erikson   Anne Middleton   Michael Greenfield                                                                                   

▪ The effect of the Lacey Act on procuring raw materials needed to build musical instruments. Two FAQs on the Lacey Act can be found at www.eia-global.org/lacey and www.forestlegality.org.