M.A. Kupfer is a Russian luthier who has made in depth investigations into the acoustic properties of well regarded older balalaikas.
▪ bio current as of 1989
M.A. Kupfer is a Russian luthier who has made in depth investigations into the acoustic properties of well regarded older balalaikas.
▪ bio current as of 1989
AL#17 p.30 BRB2 p.193
M.A. Kupfer James Flynn John Morgan
▪ A full-scale instrument plan. See the GAL website for a low-rez preview.
AL#17 p.28 BRB2 p.178
James Flynn M.A. Kupfer
▪ It turns out that life for a Russian instrument maker isn’t far different than for an American luthier. Long hours, difficult conditions, and small financial rewards. The turf may be different, but the job remains the same.