Sixteen-year Guild member Ralph Charles has devoted his career to forestry.
▪ bio current as of 2014
Sixteen-year Guild member Ralph Charles has devoted his career to forestry.
▪ bio current as of 2014
AL#120 p.70
Ralph Charles Tom Thiel
▪ Ponderings on the current plentiful supply of red spruce.
AL#81 p.40 BRB7 p.302 read this article
Ralph Charles
▪ Man! How come red spruce is so expensive? And how come we can’t find a red spruce top as pretty as a piece of Sitka? Friends, if you look at enough old guitars you’ll realize that Adirondack spruce tops were rarely tight-grained, perfectly straight, and perfectly quartered all at the same time. The big stands of Eastern spruce may have been harvested 60 years ago, but forester Charles is here to say that the trees never grew with luthiers in mind. Man has had a random hand in growing red spruces for generations, and so have beavers. Conditions in the woods can change rapidly. It’s wild out there! To amateur naturalists this is exciting stuff. With 5 photos and a chart.