Nine-year GAL member Bruce Calder unfortunately lets his day job get in the way of making guitars. He is hoping to increase his output from one every two years to two every one year.
▪ bio current as of 2005
Nine-year GAL member Bruce Calder unfortunately lets his day job get in the way of making guitars. He is hoping to increase his output from one every two years to two every one year.
▪ bio current as of 2005
AL#82 p.54 read this article
Bruce Calder
▪ Take a 2-page, 6-photo journey to a lutherie shop around the world. The ouds and other instruments are vastly different from American Normal and their decoration is almost beyond description.
AL#81 p.46 BRB7 p.306
Bruce Calder Bob Jones
▪ Jones is one of the “big guys” in the New York City instrument repair scene. He owns some very cool collectables. He’s worked for some of the biggest names in the industry. He has definite opinions about how to get into the business. How could you not read this? With 13 photos, including one of a double neck Selmer.
AL#65 p.44 BRB6 p.200
Bruce Calder Sergio Huerta-Chavez
▪ Chavez is a builder of guitars and violins from Mexico who has managed to find markets in the US. Lutherie-life south of the border is probably different than you think, especially if Paracho has been your only touchstone. With 5 photos.