Tag Archives: Alfieri¸ Don
Aesthetics of Restoration
GALQ Vol.11#3 p.30 BRB2 p.176
Don Alfieri
▪ The goal and duties of the instrument restorationist are not always clear cut since the philosophy of restoration is not universally agreed upon. The author makes a good case for a conservative approach to the subject and the work.
Saddle Slot Dremel Base
DS#221 LT p.61
Don Alfieri
▪ Adds nylon bolts to the bottom corners of a Dremel base. The tool rides on the bolt heads, raising the router above the level of the bridge.
Two Ancient Guitars
Don Alfieri
▪ Two photographs by Schuab photo: a German guitar from the early 1800s and an American guitar signed and dated Schmidt and Maul, 1844, New York.
Flamenco Capo
DS#46 BRB2 p.25
Don Alfieri
▪ Flamenco guitars are very light in weight, and a conventional capo could unbalance them and even change their sustain. This all-wood capo should correct the problem.